Ownership of purchasing cards comes with the following responsibilities and roles:

All transactions are cost allocated via the HSBC platform MiVision. Each application will need to provide:

1. A person to cost allocate transactions (either card holder or an on-site Card Support administrator)

2. A reviewer, typically a project manager

3. A finance administrator

A description of roles & responsibilities are below:

Card Holder Administration

(If you are a cardholder then you would only cost allocate your own transactions)

Card Support Administration

if you are nominated Card Support administrator you will be responsible for numerous card holder transactions as specified by the contract

General Responsibilities for both card holder administration & card support administration

o Using MiVIsion expense management system to cost allocate transactions to the correct BU / Contract Number / Job Number or WBS code where applicable).

o Where spend is identified as none level three a VAT receipt would need to be uploaded to the system.

Reviewer Responsibilities (Reviewer is the 1st tier of approval for the transactions allocated to them and someone best placed to question transactions where required)

o Review the cost allocated work presented by the card holder admin or card support person with the intention of:

o Ensuring it is costed to the correct contract codes and job numbers

o Ensuring that the cardholders are using approved level three suppliers

o Ensuring that the goods purchased are for reactive work and that van stock is not being accumulated

o Being able to identify products that have been purchased at a higher value where a cheaper alternative is available.

o If any of the above are in question then it is the reviewers responsibility to raise their query with the card holder

o If there is a need to question administration provided by the card holder or card support, ie: this transaction is costed incorrectly, then the reviewer can defer the transaction back to the originator to amend with notes to explain why.

o Where fraudulent activity is suspected the reviewer MUST inform the procurement team immediately to enable them to block the purchasing card in question. If there is a need to escalate the concerns then the reviewer must follows their standard HR disciplinary route

Finance Responsibilities (2nd and final level of approval for transactions allocated to them)

o Final review of all transactions to ensure they are costed correctly

o If there is need to question transaction costing it can be deferred back to the reviewer

o Where fraudulent activity is suspected (if overlooked by the reviewer) the Finance person MUST inform the procurement team immediately to enable them to block the purchasing card in question. If there is a need to escalate the concerns then the reviewer must follows their standard HR disciplinary route

o When new contracts codes have been introduced the finance person will need to complete the HSBC upload and forward through to purchasingcard@kier.co.uk by each Friday for upload to the HSBC system for the following Monday.